Rock, Paper, Silicone

Whether it is a hollow spot in a rock, a forked stick or your fingers, tools are essential to preparation.  Taking advantage of technology is a wonderful and sometimes scary thing?  Who would have thought I would be "programming" an Instant Pot© with bluetooth, or putting flour and water and yeast in a Zojirushi© and having fresh bread when I wake?

So instead of my fingers, I use silicone pinch mits.  Instead of a stick, I have spatulas, spoons, whisks and forks that tell me temperatures.  I have mats that stick to my counter and not to my dough.  I have food mills that take all the stress out of canning.  And canners that run off of electricity!  Pressure cookers that plug in, cooking at the press of a button. Many, many wonderful innovations and advantages over what I did 40 years ago.  Who remembers picking berries all morning, cleaning and washing, keeping the wood stove hot, the syrups boiling, the jars steaming, just to "put up" a dozen jars of jam?  And doing it all again the next day and the day after that, until the seasons changed?  

So thank you Ben Franklin, and thank each and everyone of you who sally forth with an idea, and the courage to make it work... and for sharing with all of us. 

Zojirushi - the magic bread box

My Magic Zojirushi© Bread Maker

Bread, Jam, Dough, Soup, Dressing - the possibilities are endless!


On my Zo wishlist

Just because

All the best recipes are from Zo!


I was reading about proofing bread the other day and saw that some lucky people have a "Proof" setting on their oven.  So I checked and I'll be darn - I do too!

I've run across so many different suggestions and very thankful for everyone for sharing what works for them.

I use the PROOF setting on my oven.  I cover the bread pans with a clean towel and let it do it's thing.  Then I put the bread pans in the microwave (NOT starting it) while the oven heats up.


Poke your dough (lightly, on the side).  If the indentation stays put, then the bread is proofed.

Instant Pot - the magic cooker DUO60

My Magic Instant Pot© 

Stock, broth, stew and chili.  Chicken and egg (which came first?) SO much more!

Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Saute/Browning, Yogurt Maker, Steamer & Warmer - what's not to love?


IP Wishlist

 Because who doesn't love technology?